The Created Co

November 1, 2015

About The Created Co. (
Each of us created for a certain purpose — a purpose to fulfill and to live out on earth.
So then, we ask this question, “What were you created for?”

We’re creating drinkware to inspire, connect, and empower people because many of life’s most meaningful
moments occur alongside a drink. Whether that’s the early morning moments with your cup of coffee when
you’re most inspired. Or connecting with your closest friends at your local coffee shop. Or maybe it’s being
in the outdoors on your favorite trail through the mountains. Wherever you happen to find yourself, we want
to create drinkware that wakes us up to these moments and forces us to answer this question for ourselves
“What was I created for?”

We’re passionate about being a community of people that yearns to live out what they were created to do.
Not only that, but we want to use the collective power of our community to make a difference in this world by
empowering one another and also those in need.